Square Cash Card

Square Cash Card + Twin Peaks OMG

As I head off to buy myself a milkshake and an extra long straw, I imagine there must have been a meeting where several salaried workers silently hated their lives as they filled a room for a meeting to discuss what the artwork should be on the front of the new Square Cash card. A couple people suggested obvious things like using the Square logo or making it green with a dollar sign to match the Cash app.

Then there was this one genius who was like, no… If you want people to hang onto the 3 cents they were happily paying to have the funds immediately deposited into their accounts and actually use this pointless thing, you’re going to need to do a little more. Like give them the freedom to customize their cash card in the most ridiculous way they can imagine… Give them a very small box to “draw or write” whatever they want displayed on the front of their card.

A second genius approved the idea, directed someone to to develop it and 6 months later a notification was sent out about the new Square Cash card. So thanks, imaginary meeting guy! I’m looking forward to using my new card! As soon as I get some non-imaginary funds in there I might just have to go buy myself a milkshake!

**Update on my Square Cash card after 3 months… I have really enjoyed this card! I have a few clients who prefer to pay through the cash app because it’s so quick and easy with no fees. After I got the card, I turned off automatic cash out to leave the money in there; mostly because I just like using my “third revelation” card. It’s also nice to use the card if I’m going out or opening a tab somewhere because if it gets lost or stolen, it wouldn’t be as disastrous as losing my debit card. Keep up the good work, Square!

So, I was watching  the latest episode of Twin Peaks while I wrote about the Cash Card tonight. If you watch the show, you know that each episode ends at the bar with a song. I’ve really liked several of them but tonight, the song came on and stole my entire train of thought. The girl singing was so familiar… Wait. OMG! I is that the girl from Mulholland Drive?! It is! Even though she isn’t singing about anything that has to do with the Square Cash card, she clearly belongs here on the blog.


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