Mr. Unavailable Fallback Girl

Mr. Unavailable & The Fallback Girl

Also known as every relationship I’ve ever had. Today was full of sound relationship advice. I came across this book earlier and am pretty sure I read it cover to cover without blinking. Part of me wants go on a field trip to wing a copy at my flower guy’s head but I’ll let that remain a fantasy since I’m not investing any more energy in his shenanigans. He can stay in the cage. lol

2940032817284_p0_v1_s192x300After I read it once I read it again and I have a feeling I’ll read it a few more times before the year is out. In addition to the book, there’s so much more on her blog which is appropriately named BAGGAGE RECLAIM! How perfect!! This was definitely an awesome find!!

The book can be purchased through the Baggage Reclaim website — It’s packed full of more great reads, podcasts and tools!

Mr. Unavailable & The Fallback Girl:

If you’ve ever found yourself in a relationship that feels and seemingly looks like one but you’re struggling with commitment or you’ve been in the ambiguous territory of a ‘casual relationship’, you’ve likely tried to change them, wondered what you ‘did’ to cause this, what you can do to win their love and commitment, or even whether you’re going crazy.

Mr Unavailable and the Fallback Girl is the definitive guide to understanding the relationship between emotionally unavailable men and the women that love them. From explaining how and why they blow hot and cold, to where that future they promised went to, how you’ve ended up being a booty call, why you’ve been together for a gazillion years but aren’t going anywhere, and more importantly how and why you’re involved with them in the first place, all of the answers are here.

…I was obviously sold. Easy to read, frank and to the point. If by some miracle someone stumbles onto my website, leave immediately and go buy this book! 😉

The post wouldn’t be complete without this song. “Baggage” and all!!

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