Memba how it felt to get truly excited? Oh, I memba!

Actually, I had completely forgotten. Or maybe it has just ended up that whatever it was I thought I was excited about immediately went up in flames. Which, I guess, is almost worse than just forgetting how it felt. I know this because I was recently reminded. Let’s don’t do the math on how long it’s been, let’s just get to it…

I’ve done a good bit of bitching about the TT on here and that’s not necessarily because this nearly 17 year old car insists on crumbling in my hand on a regular basis.  It was the vehicular journey that led me to it that ignited the napalm.

If I had to make an analogy, it would be like dating this really hot guy for years and having the best sex ever to being shotgun wedded to some grandpa who can’t get it up and needs to go to the E.R. every third time you leave the house.

Well, bless his heart, my bluebird got to do his thing this past month. I mean, it’s sad that that he had to wait for a machine to show up to get turned loose again but I’m struggling to recall a time when he took a lap otherwise and came back with all of his feathers.

So far, this has been a successful run. Like, successful enough that even if Budweiser shows up and fucks me with a sponsorship (hashtag thanks for planting that seed, Mike Shank), replacing my livery with theirs, it will still have been one goddamned hell of a run. Like, the car is so hot, I told a friend who owns a lotus it might be time for an upgrade well before the seas parted and I was asked to design the livery. And that’s saying a lot.

I don’t know if I read it or watched it somewhere but for so many years I’ve valued the importance of having something to look forward to. When the shit is constantly hitting the fan, it’s what gets you through. Maybe you’re one of the 9+ million people who have watched the McConaughey Oscar speech – we definitely agree on a couple things there and, for me, getting to look forward to seeing something I created go racing around a track in January, then again next October and online every race in between is “alright, alright alright.”

Even if my physical participation is only done as a designer and a spectator, it’s still really incredible to be a part of something I’ve missed so much. It felt so bizarre to shout out that I was living the dream and not mean it with it 110% sarcasm. I literally had to sit down and grasp it for a minute because it felt so off. I’ve never felt that way before. At least not in a positive direction. It was something.

I know the last time I actually printed something out and stuck it to the wall by my desk was when someone from Lotus in Hethel commented on the materials I had created for a race team that never happened. I broke out the double sided tape a few weeks ago and gave the Koenisegg some company. A few months ago, my money would have been on the Koenigsegg clipping being relocated to a The Secret inspirational envelope in a desk drawer to preserve what sanity I have left.

I guess I’ll stop my nonsense there… As far as the regular, human, news all is obv running the same as usual. Insert wine, pink cloud and bathtub emoji here…

Totally filing this post in the magic category. 🙂


(Lord, let it stay there)


UPDATE! a It stayed there…


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