Well, here we are back in Atlanta…

Well, I traversed the dream job; the new place (busted my ass once or twice on the stairs); Another epic failure of a relationship; traveled the country; met hundreds of new, wonderful, people and came full circle back to the start in a short four and a half months…

I mean, I’m not known for wasting time getting shit done but I would have liked it to have lasted a little longer. I might punch the next person in the face who talks about signs or shit being meant to be but, god help me, maybe all of this is just a part of my path; my story. It’s getting to be a good one for sure!

I don’t regret the first second of this year. No part of it has been a cakewalk. Every. Single. Day. Brought a new challenge or something (sometimes a hundred things) new to learn and embrace. I wouldn’t change one minute of it and have felt better in the last 4 months than I have in the last 15 years. Like I try to do, I think I did my best and I gave it everything I had… And that’s a lot.

The fact that I lost the job and was then told that I “didn’t do anything wrong,” that I was “very good at maintaining the relationships with our teams and keeping them happy… That I was a good, honest, person” and was then asked to stay on for another month, kinda makes me feel like it wasn’t a total waste of time. I love the job so much and have found it incredibly hard to stop it from being everything to me. I still wake up in the middle of the night and think, I need to check the emails from Betty in Italy because her workday will be ending shortly after mine begins.

Unfortunately, we are all human, we have needs and we make mistakes. I’m including myself, the management at OMP and everyone else in that assessment. We do what we think is best. It’s not always what’s right or what’s best for everyone in the long run.

So, here we are back in Atlanta… Kinda hating myself but appreciating things I missed while I was in Miami, like the music blaring, being able to sing as loud as I wanted, sitting at my desk with a little white cat in my lap… The piano. New lessons learned.

Taking in the new mountains we have to climb… And, we climb for what fills our soul..
(Me and Morla, of course. #LaughsLikeLunatic)

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