The TT rides again… Sort of.

My first accident, immediately followed by my first trip to jail, immediately followed by me standing back for a month and gazing in awe at my ability to dig some epic fucking holes… Followed by the TT sitting in the garage for a couple months while I spooned my shovel and dug some new holes… At some point, I crawled out of one and proceeded to take a hot shower which I obviously failed at when all water stopped coming out of the shower head in the steam sauna — which was the closest I was getting to a hot shower at the time for ridiculous distractions I’m not going to dwell on right now. Anyway, this resulted in some margarita drinking with a good girlfriend and an uber ride home by a good person who was still wearing his Firestone work shirt… Cut to two weeks later and I’m driving this goddamned car again!! I’ve never been so happy to be driving it but let’s don’t get carried away, it’s still the TT and it still rapes what’s left of my soul… That. One. Grain that remains.

Oh yeah, and the consensus is that the differential in the TT is fucked. So there is that to look forward to!!

Several years ago my friend Mick said this was my song… He was pretty spot on. JEEVES! Light the firecrackers!



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