Daniel Plainview There Will Be Blood Lights Out

My well runneth over.

19520_10153047567683950_204289625173401083_nIf I get through this funeral tomorrow with a grain of sanity to cling to it will be a miracle. This week has been too much. Is there a too much? I’m sure that drinking tonight was a horrible choice but I’m also pretty sure I’m going to continue to drink through the weekend. Mostly because I’m not sure what else I’d do.

I am so thankful to have had a girlfriend I’ve known since high school to talk to, get mani-pedis and a couple drinks with this evening. I had forgotten what it’s even like to have a familiar friend nearby who is my age. I am going to miss her so much when she finishes her internship and moves back to TN in a couple weeks. I wish everyone wasn’t always going away!

Lights out!




I survived the funeral and the other events that took that place that week.


My girlfriend got offered a permanent position at the company she has the fellowship with! She says it’s her dream job and is seriously thinking about taking it! Hooray!! 🙂

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