
Alan Watts says you have to think of yourself as a cloud when making choices. Because even if you do something that seems totally disastrous, it will all come out in the wash somehow or other. Well, if I were a cloud, I think I would be a pink cloud. 🙂

It’s always good to have choices even though some choices are easier made than others. We make them every day and the lives that we live are the result of the choices we’ve made. Sometimes it’s not a choice about what has or will happen, but a choice about to how to handle or react to what already has. I have recently been faced with an impossible decision I had to make on my own. This video crossed my path this morning, the day I had to decide, and it made me feel more confident that I had made the right choice.

I’ve listened to several Alan Watts lectures but the Ludovico Einaudi soundtrack and ending quote from one of my favorite movies, Mr. Nobody, also kinda made me wonder if I had made the clip myself and didn’t remember. Which seems totally plausible. Sweet, Fornicus.


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