Coins on a train track

suitcasecatI feel like so much has changed in the 18 days since my last post. Unfortunately, the things that changed weren’t things I wanted to change. Another relationship failed, I lost a big client I was so excited about and the next morning my grandfather passed away. We weren’t close and I’m dreading the funeral in the worst way. Someone sent me this poem yesterday and I appreciated it so much I thought it deserved to be posted here…

Some days in this life, you are the tracks
that lead off to some mysterious and wonderful distance.
Some days you are the train, strong and filled with purpose
and fire and the promise of a destination.
Some days, my friends, you will be the coins
and on those days, when the weight of the world
is about to run you over and the tracks
feel like they are frozen and silent, just remember…soon,
someone will run to the tracks, ignore the distance they lead to,
forget the sound of the train that passed, and search
frantically for your transformed self, shining and smooth.
They will pick you up, they will hold you forever
and when age catches up to them, it won’t be the train
or the tracks they will remember, it will be you, the coin.

Coins on a Train Track (by TylerKnott)

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