Just about the time you think you’ve decided which year was worst…

Last year shows back up in the form of a puddle on your living room floor. What’s funny is how I thought the ironic timing of the movie scouts showing back up somehow meant that something might go right this year. At this moment, it seems more like it was a warning that more hell was about to break loose… I dodged a grenade on Tuesday so I guess I should have known something fantastic was about to unravel. Maybe I should be grateful for past 308 days that I didn’t have to hear the glorious sound of water hitting the bottom of a bucket every 60 seconds… Maybe there could be one week where I didn’t arrive at a point where I’d give anything to go back to the previous week, month, year… Maybe.

I dunno, MAYBE at some point someone besides me will make the slightest effort to do what they say they’re going to do or at the very least, just do their fucking job.



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